Every piece of plastic created still exists somewhere, and more than eight million tons of the stuff makes its way to the ocean every year.
Plastic pollution is an overwhelming issue, and it can be hard to know where to begin when it comes to taking action. Which is why we want you to start small and tackle just one item; plastic straws.

Australians use over 3 billion straws a year.
These items are used for moments but will last on the planet longer than we will.
Our mission is to inspire you to jump in the ocean for a Strawkle, and then provide you with the tools you need to cut single-use plastic items like straws out of your life. We want to help you to kick the plastic habit and empower other communities around the world to do the same.
What on earth is Strawkling?
Operation Straw is a clean up initiative designed to tackle the prolific amount of plastic found in Manly Cove and beyond.
Attend our next Strawkle!
Come for a strawkle with us soon!