Since December 2017,
we have:

Collected 5310 straws
Over more than 70 events, we have pulled over 500 plastic straws from the ocean in a 200m x 30m area.
As of January 2019, we now also record all other marine debris we find in the Australian Marine Debris Database.
Over 600 volunteers have attended our events
Strawkelling has become a Saturday morning activity loved by all ages, with hundreds (known as the Strawkle Squad) coming to jump in the ocean and help clean it up.

Trained 45 Business Engagement Warriors
We worked with Plastic Free Manly to harness the enthusiasm of the Strawkle Squad and give them the tools and training to talk to local businesses to encourage them to ditch plastic straws.
Convinced 40+ businesses to go plastic-straw free
In collaboration with Convenient for Who and Plastic Free Manly, we helped more than 40 businesses remove plastic straws from their operations.
Made the news more than 20 times!
We helped bring some much needed attention to the impact plastic straws have on our blue backyard.